02 – Rookie

Offbeat HiHat mit Shifted 16tel Snare und Bass Drum

Offbeat HiHat with Shifted 16th Notes Snare and Bass Drum

Um diesen Inhalt sehen zu können, benötigst Du DNA Pro+ or DNA Pro. To access this content, you must purchase DNA Pro+ or DNA Pro.

Rideless Grooves mit shifted 16tel Snare

Rideless Grooves with shifted 16th Notes Snare Drums

Um diesen Inhalt sehen zu können, benötigst Du DNA Pro+ or DNA Pro. To access this content, you must purchase DNA Pro+ or DNA Pro.

16tel HiHat einhändig mit shifted 16tel Snare

Single handed 16th Notes HiHat and shifted 16th Snare

16tel HiHat einhändig mit shifted 16tel Snare

Single handed 16th Notes HiHat and shifted 16th Snare

16tel HiHat einhändig mit shifted 16tel Bass

Single handed 16th Notes HiHat with shifted 16th Bass

Um diesen Inhalt sehen zu können, benötigst Du DNA Pro+ or DNA Pro. To access this content, you must purchase DNA Pro+ or DNA Pro.

16tel HiHat einhändig mit shifted 16tel Bass

Single handed 16th Notes HiHat with shifted 16th Bass

Um diesen Inhalt sehen zu können, benötigst Du DNA Pro+ or DNA Pro. To access this content, you must purchase DNA Pro+ or DNA Pro.

Soca mit 16tel HiHat einhändig

16th Notes HiHat single handed Soca

Groove Variationen

Groove Variations

Um diesen Inhalt sehen zu können, benötigst Du DNA Pro+ or DNA Pro. To access this content, you must purchase DNA Pro+ or DNA Pro.

16tel Bass-Drum – Einführung

16th Notes Bass Drum – Introduction

Um diesen Inhalt sehen zu können, benötigst Du DNA Pro+ or DNA Pro. To access this content, you must purchase DNA Pro+ or DNA Pro.

16tel Bass Drum mit 8tel HiHat – Hip-Hop Workout

16th Note Bass Drum Grooves – Hip-Hop Workout

16tel HiHat einhändig mit 16tel Snare – Einführung

Single handed 16th Notes HiHat and Snare – Introduction

Um diesen Inhalt sehen zu können, benötigst Du DNA Pro+ or DNA Pro. To access this content, you must purchase DNA Pro+ or DNA Pro.

Drei Geschmacksrichtungen des Swing

Three Flavours of Swing

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16tel Noten X-XX

16th Notes X-XX

Um diesen Inhalt sehen zu können, benötigst Du DNA Pro+ or DNA Pro. To access this content, you must purchase DNA Pro+ or DNA Pro.

16tel Noten X-XX – erste Übungen

16th notes X-XX – first exercises

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16tel Noten X-XX im 3/4tel Takt

16th notes X-XX in 3/4er time signature

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16tel Noten X-XX im 2/4tel Takt

16th notes X-XX in 2/4er time signature

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16tel Noten XXX-

16th Notes XXX-

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16tel Noten XXX- – erste Übungen

16th notes XXX- – first exercises

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16tel Noten XXX-

16th notes XXX-

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16tel Noten XXX- und 8tel Pausen

16th notes XXX- and 8th Notes Rests

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16tel Noten XXX- im 2/4tel-Takt

16th Notes XXX- in 2/4er time signature

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6/8tel Noten

6/8th Notes

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6/8tel Noten

6/8th Notes

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6/8tel Noten, II

6/8th Notes, II

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16tel im 6/8tel Takt, Teil I

16th Notes in 6/8th, Part I

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16tel im 6/8tel-Takt, Teil II

16th Notes in 6/8th, Part II

16tel im 6/8tel Takt, Teil III

16th Notes in 6/8th, Part III

16tel im 6/8tel-Takt, Teil IV

16th Notes in 6/8th, Part IV

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16tel Noten XXX- und -XXX

16th Notes XXX- and -XXX

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16tel Noten XXX- und -XXX

16th Notes XXX- and -XXX

16tel Noten XXX- und -XXX

16th Notes XXX- and -XXX

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16tel Noten x-xx im 3/4tel Takt

16th Notes x-xx in 3/4er

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16tel Noten X-XX im 2/4tel Takt

16th Notes X-XX in 2/4er

16tel Noten X-XX und 8tel Pausen

16th Notes X-XX and 8th Note Rests

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8tel Triolen

8th Notes Triplets

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8tel Triolen X-X

8th Notes Triplets

16tel Noten XX-X

16th Notes XX-X

Um diesen Inhalt sehen zu können, benötigst Du DNA Pro+ or DNA Pro. To access this content, you must purchase DNA Pro+ or DNA Pro.

16tel Noten XX-X

16th Notes XX-X

16tel Noten XX-X

16th Notes XX-X

Um diesen Inhalt sehen zu können, benötigst Du DNA Pro+ or DNA Pro. To access this content, you must purchase DNA Pro+ or DNA Pro.

16tel Noten XX-X im 3/4tel-Takt

16th Notes XX-X in 3/4er

16tel Noten XX-X im 2/4tel-Takt

16th Notes XX-X in 2/4er

Um diesen Inhalt sehen zu können, benötigst Du DNA Pro+ or DNA Pro. To access this content, you must purchase DNA Pro+ or DNA Pro.

16tel Noten XXX-, X-XX und XX-X

16th Notes XXX-, X-XX and XX-X

Um diesen Inhalt sehen zu können, benötigst Du DNA Pro+ or DNA Pro. To access this content, you must purchase DNA Pro+ or DNA Pro.

16tel Noten XXX-, X-XX, XX-X

16th Notes XXX-, X-XX, XX-X

Um diesen Inhalt sehen zu können, benötigst Du DNA Pro+ or DNA Pro. To access this content, you must purchase DNA Pro+ or DNA Pro.

16tel Noten XXX-, X-XX, XX-X in 3/4tel

16th Notes XXX-, X-XX, XX-X in 3/4er

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Snaresheet mit XX-X

Snaresheet with XX-X

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16tel Noten X--X

16th Notes X--X

Um diesen Inhalt sehen zu können, benötigst Du DNA Pro+ or DNA Pro. To access this content, you must purchase DNA Pro+ or DNA Pro.

16tel Noten X--X

16th Notes X--X

16tel Noten XX-X

16th Notes XX-X

Um diesen Inhalt sehen zu können, benötigst Du DNA Pro+ or DNA Pro. To access this content, you must purchase DNA Pro+ or DNA Pro.

16tel Noten X--X im 3/4tel-Takt

16th Notes X--X in 3/4er

16tel Noten X--X im 2/4tel-Takt

16th Notes X--X in 2/4er

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16tel Noten XX-X und X--X

16th Notes XX-X und X--X

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16tel Noten XX-X und X--X in 2/4tel

16th Notes XX-X and X--X in 2/4er

Um diesen Inhalt sehen zu können, benötigst Du DNA Pro+ or DNA Pro. To access this content, you must purchase DNA Pro+ or DNA Pro.

16tel Noten XX-X und X--X in 3/4tel

16th Notes XX-X and X--X in 3/4er

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16tel Noten --XX

16th Notes --XX

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16tel Noten --XX

16th Notes --XX

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16tel Noten --XX

16th Notes --XX

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Afrikanische Polka in 2/4

African-Polka in 2/4

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King Crossley

Drum Sheet

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Kurze Fill-Ins

Short Fill Procedure

Shuffle Fill-In Training

Shuffle Fill-In Training

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Shuffle Groove und 1-Takt Fills

Shuffle Groove and 1-Bar Fills

Shuffle Groove und 1-Takt Tom-Fills

Shuffle Groove and 1-Bar Tom-Fills

Um diesen Inhalt sehen zu können, benötigst Du DNA Pro+ or DNA Pro. To access this content, you must purchase DNA Pro+ or DNA Pro.

Backbeat Swing (Ride)


Swing – verschiedene Schreibweisen

Swing – different notations

Swing Fill-Ins


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Gestreckte Swing-Klatsche

Stretched Swing-Slap

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Stretched Tumbao-Swing


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HiHat Swing


Basie-Hat Swing Style

Open HiHat

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Two Bar Jazz


4-Takt Jazz-/Swing-Begleitung

Four Bar Jazz/Swing-Comping

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4-Takt Jazz-/Swing-Begleitung mit synkopierter Snare

Four Bar Jazz-/Swing-Comping wt. syncopated Snare

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