Rookie Vol. 02

In Arbeit
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Work in progress
Beware! This is a living document, a book in the making. We are constantly adding new lessons, the order might change or some lessons might be removed. Our Newsletter keeps you up to date.

Rookie Vol. 02RO-02-KEZ
8tel-Grooves mit HiHat-/Ride-Akzenten, Teil I 8th Notes Hi-Hat/Ride Accents, Part IRO-02-ZZS
Carry Out Tasks Mini-Fills Solo
8tel-Grooves mit HiHat-/Ride-Akzenten, Teil II 8th Notes Hi-Hat/Ride Accents, Part II
6/8tel Slow Blues 6/8th Bluesrock
6/8tel Lesetext 6/8 Reading TextRO-02-FZP
6/8 Slow-Blues mit Fill-Ins Bluesrock with Fills
6/8tel Fills 6/8th Fill-Ins
Fills im 6/8 Blues 6/8th Notes Blues Fill-InsRO-02-FZR
12/8 Slow-Blues 12/8 /Bluesrock
12/8 Slow-Blues Fills that (almost) always work
Einfache Fills im 12/8tel Blues Simple Fills for 12/8th Blues
Keep It Slow 12/8 Slow Blues PlayalongRO-02-CWZ
X-XX Figur – Einführung X-XX Figure – Introduction
Shifted 16th Snare Grooves plus Fills Solo
X0XX und XXX0 - Vorübungen X0XX and XXX0 - Pre Exercises
X-XX XXX- Lesetext X-XX XXX- Reading Text
Mini-Chart 8th Notes HiHat Grooves with Shifted 16th SnareRO-02-JZP
16tel Bass Drum – Einführung 16th Note Bass Drum – Introduction
8tel HiHat Grooves mit 16tel Bass Drums 8th Notes HiHat Grooves with 16th Notes Bass DrumsRO-02-JZH
Mini-Chart 8th Notes HiHat Grooves with Shifted 16th Bass DrumsRO-02-JZQ
Shifted 16tel Snare Grooves, Teil 3 Shifted 16ths Snare Grooves, Part 3
XX-X Figur – Einführung XX-X Figure – IntroductionRO-02-JMZ
Lesetext mit XX0X über Snare und Toms Reading Text with XX0X on Snare and Toms
Soca Groove SpecialRO-02-JZA
Soca Grooves
Soca Grooves Variations
Soca Fill-Ins
Bluesrock triolisch/ternär Bluesrock ternary